Kardash Roastery


JUST-Able Evaluation  

Is an adequate number of accessible parking spaces available?

Is the route of travel stable, firm, slip resistant and blind friendly (supported textured tiling)?

Is the route at least 0.9 m in width?

Can all objects protruding into the circulation paths be detected by a person with visual disability using a cane? (located within 0.7 meters of the floor, or higher than 2.3 meters, or protruding less than 0.1 meters from the wall)

Is the ramp stable, firm, slip resistant and blind friendly (supported textured tiling)?

Are the slopes of ramps between the ratio of 1:10 - 1:12 meters?

Do curbs on the routes have curb cuts at drives, parking and drop-offs?

Do all inaccessible entrances have signs indicating the location of the nearest accessible entrance?

Does the entrance door have at least 0.8 meters door opening (for a double door and at least one 0.8 meters leaf?

Is there at least 0.5 meters of clear wall space on the full side of the door next to the handle?

Is the threshold edge less than or equal to 1 cm height, and if beveled is not more than 2 cm meters’ in height?

If the door has a closer does it take at least 3 seconds to close?

General text description:
"لا يوجد مواقف مخصصة لذوي الاعاقة وانما هي مواقف تستخدم من قبل العامة ، ولا يوجد مداخل خاصة بذوي الاعاقة بل مداخل عامة لكنها مناسبة لذوي الاعاقة. طريق المشاة مستقر وثابت ومقاوم للانزلاق ولكن ليس محدد بلون فاقع وغير مزود ببروز يمكن استشعاره بالعصي، يوجد منحدر ثابت ومستقر لكن نهايته غير متصل بالرصيف بشكل جيد عرض المدخل الرئيسي مناسب ولكن له عتبة بارتفاع ٥سم"

Is the accessible entrance providing direct access to the main floor, lobby, or elevator?

Are all public spaces have an accessible route of travel?

Is the accessible route to all public spaces at least 0.9 meters wide?

Is there a minimum circle space of 1.5 meters for a person using a wheelchair in all directions for maneuvering?

2.3.1.Are all aisles and pathways to materials and services at least 0.9 meters wide؟

Is there a minimum circle space of 1.5 meters for a full wheelchair turn?

In circulation paths through public areas are all obstacles cane-detectable (located within 0.7 meters of the floor, or higher than 2.3 meters, or protruding less than 0.1 meters from the wall?

2.4.1. Is the room lighting system moderate and close to the outdoor sunlight? ( moderate lighting not very yellow or very white in color)

Are characters raised in size between 1.5 to 5 cm high, with high color contrast ( for room numbers, restrooms, and exits).

Is the text of the sign brailed of the same information?

If a pictogram is used is it accompanied by raised characters and braille?

At each type of cashier counter, is there a portion of the main counter that is no more than 1 meters high?

Is there a portion of for ordering counters that is no more than 0.9 meters high, or is there space at the side for passing items to customers who have difficulty reaching over a high counter?

General text description:
"لا يوجد ابواب داخلية فقط باب رئيسي والمبنى عبارة عن غرفة واحدة عرض الممرات بين طاولات الشراء والبضاعة مناسب ٩٥سم ، لا يوجد سجاد، الاضاءة معتدلة ومساوية للاضاءة الخارجية فالنهار ارتفاع طاولة المحاسبة مناسب ٩٠سم لا يوجد مصاعد ولا ادراج لان المبنى عبارة عن طابق واحد فقط."

General text description:
لا يوجد حمامات

General text description:
لا يوجد خدمات اضافية

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Working Hours

  • Monday 10:00 - 22:00
  • Tuesday 10:00 - 22:00
  • Wednesday 10:00 - 22:00
  • Thursday 10:00 - 12:00
  • Friday 00:00 - 20:00
  • Saturday 10:00 - 22:00
  • Sunday 10:00 - 22:00


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